Kamis, 06 Juni 2013
Pengertian paragraphParagraph or paragraph is a group of related sentences between one sentence with another sentence. Paragraphs
also referred to as the short essay, because in this form the writer
ideas or thoughts to form a topic or theme of the conversation. In
the first paragraph there is some form of sentences, the sentences are
sentences identifier, the main sentence (topic sentence), explanatory
sentences, and closing sentence. These sentences are strung into a single unit that can form an idea. The short length of a paragraph can be a determinant of how many paragraphs main idea that can be expressed.Paragraph is a unity of thought and a higher unity or larger than sentences.Paragraph is a set of various sentences which related in sequence to form an ideaTerms formed his paragraphA. unity (kohensi)Paragraph deemed to have unity if the sentences in a paragraph that together express a particular matter or themeB. cohesionParagraph
considered coherent if all sentences to build a paragraph and a compact
interconnected between one sentence and other sentences that make
paragraphs that2.Macam-wide paragraph Paragraph deductive Paragraph inductive Paragraph mixed1. Definition of deductive paragraphDeductive
paragraph is a paragraph that begins by stating the subject matter or
the main sentence of a general nature followed explanatory sentences a
special nature. the
main idea of a paragraph or sentence is primarily located at the
beginning of the paragraph, and subsequently followed by explanatory
sentences to support the main sentenceExample:Gold is an investment product that is believed to ward off inflation. History
proves that gold is almost always going to be hired person in a panic
that could harm the country's economy (high inflation, financial crisis,
or war). Such as occurs during the Gulf War, the price of gold, precious metals bullion directly boosted as rising crude oil prices.Examples of deductive paragraphEvery person is born and was raised in a family environment. No one who did not experience life in the family. Maintenance and development of a child is the embodiment of loving-kindness to parents. Naturally the parents have a love for children. In any case the parents will still maintain with great affection to his son2.Paragraph inductiveIs
inductive paragraph begins with a paragraph that mentions special
events, to lead to general conclusions, which includes all the above
special events.Text inductively developed from something that is special, more specifically, to a general conclusion, more extensive. However,
we must be careful in drawing conclusions using inductive pattern as
the general conclusions drawn can not be accounted for. Therefore,
that the conclusions drawn in accordance with reality, data, facts,
evidence, references, and other information that form the basis of the
deduction must be complete and accurate and that statement held by
suggesting a common thing then compiled with a particular description.Characteristic deductive sentence is a sentence biased opinions, procurement, or definition, letaknnya beginning paragraph.means reducing the integrity of the paragraph. In an essay, paragraph one movement to another paragraph is characterized by the alternation of the main idea.Inductive paragraphs written in a manner specific set of ideas and followed with a general idea.Specific ideas such asexamples,
illustrations, details (called a supporter or supporters) are listed at
the beginning of the paragraph, and then summed over umum.ide denagn
idea that it is usually a more general conclusion sentence (called a
topic sentence) and is sometimes followed by a statement of
justificationMixed 3.ParagrafThe
paragraph begins by stating the main issue or topic sentence followed
by explanatory sentences and end with a topic sentence.Topic sentence at the end of the paragraph there is an affirmation of the beginning of the paragraph.Example:Indonesia is currently trying to raise the economy. Many attempts were made, ranging from suppressing the number of items imported goods that use local beat. Government
employment also expanded, so that human resources (HR) can be utilized
as much as possible for the construction of the State. Bagia
corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) are very detrimental to the
economy of the State must be given strict punishment. Because we know Indonesia battered by corruption happens in every institution. Therefore, the work done now expected Indonesia could generate economies3.Jenis-type paragraphThe types of paragraphs based objectives can be distinguished:1. Paragraph argument2. Paragraph of exposition3. Paragraph description4. Persuasion paragraph5. Paragraph narrativePARAGRAPH DESCRIPTIONParagraph
description is a paragraph that depicts or describes something in order
for the reader as if he could see, hear, or feel themselves all written
by authorsParagraph
description is a paragraph that contains penggambarkan an object,
place, or event to the reader in a clear and detailed so as the reader
as if mlihat and feel yourself what is described by the author.Characteristics:1. Depict or describe something.2. The above descriptions clearly done with the involvement of sensory impressions.3. Make the reader or listener to feel alone or experience.4. Explain the characteristics of objects such as color, size, shape, and state of an object in detail.Paragraph development pattern description:1. Spatial description paragraphs, the paragraphs describing the room specially object, thing or place.2. Subjective description paragraphs, paragraphs describe objects such as interpretation or impression of the writer feeling.3. Objective description paragraphs, the paragraphs describing the object is or was.4.MACAM / PATTERN DESCRIPTION PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENTDescription paragraph description of the objective is in the depiction of the object is not accompanied by the author's opinionSubjective description is a paragraph description in the depiction of the object is accompanied by the author's opinionSpatial description is a paragraph that describes in detail the particular object space, objects, or placesParagraph description of time is developed by the time the events of the storyDescription
essay is composed of paragraphs essay paragraph is aimed at describing,
or moving impression of the observations, and feelings to the reader. So
that the essay writer will convey the nature of the description,
picture and all the details of the form of the object being observed and
will be written in the essay. Indoneisa
language of literary works, it is expected pembaya be imagining or
imagination or describe to his readers, about what he wrote so as if the
reader see or feel yourself being discussed as a whole object as
experienced by the author.Adapaun based on objective, essay there are two existing descriptions that are• suggestive description• Technical description (expository description)The approach is based on the way that objects can be described precisely means is divided into:• realistic approach,• impressionistic approach• the approach according to the authors attitude.By
category usually disclosed, there are two objects that can be
described, it is a description of the person and a description of the
place. To make it easier to delineate, here are the guidelines that you can follow.1. Determine what is to be described.2. Formulate a description of the purpose.3. Assign parts to be described.4. Detailing and menyistematiskan the things that support the power section will be described.PARAGRAPH DESCRIPTION EXAMPLES1. Thinning of the ozone layer. Tropical forests begin to molt. More extensive desert. As a result, the Earth's temperature rise, erratic weather and increasingly frequent natural disasters. In conclusion, the earth is critical. Who actually play a role in making this planet to be so? The answer is certainly his own man! (Subjective description)2. He wears a long brown skirt. How correspond exactly to the color blouse length. Skirt and blouse as if adding his personal elegance. The road was really polite captivate people who look (subjective description)3. Coast
of Nusa Penida has an interesting system of natural beauty, especially
for tourists who crave a comfortable atmosphere, quiet, away from the
noise of the city. Shady trees. Vast expanse of sea. For divers, Nusa Penida Beach also offers the beauty of marine fish that was swimming. Bali
local government should organize and manage Nusa Penida as an
alternative tourist destination (objective description / place)4. If
likened to jewels, charms coast of Nusa Penida bath pearls that reflect
light yellowish white, but if the girl is like a figure like a charm
kencur virgin. Figurative
cursory as it sounds like an exaggeration, but that is exactly the
right word to describe the natural charm of Nusa Penida. (Subjective Description / place)5. In the not too distant future. I tried to glance at the people around me. To my left, a beautiful girl with long hair. Glancing, I noticed him. The girl blonde, yellow, and thin-lipped (objective description)6. Not for long. With curiosity, I tried to glance at the people around me. To my left, a long-haired girl appeal to me. Glancing, I noticed him. Blonde hair, beautiful yellow hair, her eyes glazed, coupled with thin lips, he makes my heart beat great. It felt, I knew him. But where? (Subjective description)7. Ciliwung River on Jakarta. It flows around Jakarta. Unfortunately, garbage piled Ciliwung River. Piles of garbage in the river flies. Flies were always floating housing to residents and bring various diseases. In addition it also smelled like a pile of garbage that was overpowering. It's incredibly sad (spatial description)8. Still attached in my eyes, beautiful scenery Swarangan exquisite beaches. Waves are not too big to come rolling in one after another welcome anyone who comes as if to invite to play. Clear water and soft white sand that spread widely without blocking coral makes me want to go back again. As far as the eye could see I saw only the sea that stretched wide and blue. I
felt cold wash my feet because of the waves that are constantly slammed
my legs and tasted salty as sea water because it touched my lips
sparks. Travelers
saw along the shoreline, their families and their friends get together
to form a small group to enjoy the beauty of the beach Swarangan. Not
far from where I also saw a few tourists romp on the beach, playing
ball, playing with water, or take pictures with beach background. Although
not as busy with beaches that are well known in the national and
international arena this beach never subsided by tourists who come.
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