Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013

tugas grammar q

(Untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas grammar 2 )

Dosen : Midawati, M.pd


Disusun Oleh : AI IMA MARYAMAH
NIM : 121 0202 0067 CB



1.)    Ibu Memasak nasi goreng di dapur

v  Aktif :
(+) My mother cooks fried rice in the kitchen
(-) My mother doesn’t cook fried rice in the kitchen
(?) Does my mother cook fried rice in the kitchen ?

v  Question Word :
Who cook fried rice in the kitchen ?
Where does my mother cook fried rice ?
What does my mother cook in the kitchen ?

v  Passive :
Fried rice is cooked by my mother in the kitchen
Fried rice isn’t cooked by my mother in the kitchen
Is fried rice cooked by my mother in the kitchen  ?

v  Question word :
Who cooked fried rice in the kitchen ?
Where is my mother cooked fried rice ?

v  Question Tag :
My mother doesn’t cook fried rice in the kitchen, does she ?
Fried rice is cooked by my mother in the kitchen , isn’t it ?

2.)    Saya menulis surat untuk ayah di rumah

*      Aktif :
(+) I write a letter to my father in the home
(-) I don’t write a letter to my father in the home
(?) do I write a letter to my father in the home ?

*      Question Word :
Who write a letter to my father in the home ?
What do I write to my father in the home ?
For whom do I write a letter in the home ?

*      Passive :
(+) A letter is written by me to my father  in the home
(-) A letter isn’t written by me to my father in the home
(?) is a letter written by me to my father in the home ?

*      Question Word :
Who written a letter to my father in the home ?
What is written to my father in the home ?

*      Question Tag :
I write a letter to my father  in the home , don’t I ?
A letter isn’t written by me to my father, is it ?


1.)    Paman ku sedang mencuci mobil nya di depan rumah

*      Aktif :
(+) My uncle is washing his car in front of home
(-) My uncle isn’t washing his car in front of home
(?) is my uncle washing his car in front of home ?

*      Question Word :

Who washing his car in front of home ?
Where is my uncle washing his car ?
What is my uncle washing in front of home ?

*      Passive :
() His car is being washed by my uncle in front of home
(-) His car isn’t being washed by my uncle in front of home
(?) Is his car being washed by my uncle in front of home

*      Question Word :
Who washed his car in front of home ?
Where is being my uncle washed his car ?

*      Question Tag :
My uncle isn’t washing his car in front of home , is he ?
His car is being  washed by my uncle in front of home, isn’t it ?


1.)    Saya telah mengerjakan Pr saya di rumah hari ini

*      Aktif :
(+) I have done my homework in my home today
(-) I haven’t done my homework in my home today
(?) Have I done my homework in my home today?

*      Question Word :
Who  done my homework in my home today?
Where have I done my homework today?
What have I done in my home today ?

*      Passive :
(+) My homework have been done by me in home today
(-) My homework haven’t been done by me in home today
(?) Have my homework been done by me in home today ?

*      Question Word :
Who done my homework in my home today ?
What have been done by me in my home today ?
When have been done by me in my home ?

*      Question Tag :
I have done my homework in my home, haven’t I ?
My homework haven’t been done by me in home,have it ?


1.)    Mereka akan pergi ke Jakarta besok sore

v  Aktif :
(+) They will go to Jakarta tomorrow evening
(-) They willn’t go to Jakarta tomorrow evening
(?) Will they go to Jakarta tomorrow evening  ?

v  Question Word
Who go to Jakarta tomorrow evening ?
When will they go to Jakarta ?
Where will they go tomorrow evening ?

v  Passive :
(+) Jakarta will be gone by them tomorrow evening
(-) Jakarta willn’t be gone by them tomorrow evening
(?) Will jakarta be gone by them tomorrow evening ?

v  Question Word :
Who gone to Jakarta tomorrow evening ?
When will be they gone to Jakarta ?

v  Question Tag :
They will not go to Jakarta tomorrow evening, will they ?
Jakarta will be gone by them tomorrow evening, willn’t it ?


1.)    Saya mengambil foto saya di puncak

*      Aktif :
(+) I took my picture in summit yesterday
(-) I didn’t take my picture in summit yesterday
(?) did I take my picture in summit yesterday ?

*      Question Word :
Who took picture in summit yesterday ?
Where was I took my picture yesterday ?
When was I took my picture in summit ?

*      Passive :
(+) My picture was taken by me in summit yesterday
(-) My picture wasn’t taken by me in summit yesterday
(?) Was my picture taken by me in summit yesterday ?

*      Question Word :
Who taken picture in summit yesterday ?
Where was I taken my picture yesterday ?

*      Question Tag :
I took my picture in summit yesterday, weren’t I ?
My picture wasn’t taken by me in summit yesterday, was it?


1.)    Rian sedang belajar bahasa inggris di les SPN

v  Aktif :
(+) Rian was studying English in SPN English course
(-) Rian wasn’t studying English in SPN English course
(?) Was rian studying English in SPN English course ?

v  Question Word :
Who studying english in SPN English course ?
Where was rian studying English ?
What was rian studying in SPN English course ?

v  Passive :
(+) English was being studied by rian in SPN English course
(-) English wasn’t being studied by rian in SPN English course
(?)Was english being studied by rian in SPN English course ?

v  Question Word :
Who studied English in SPN English course ?
Where was being rian studied English ?

v  Question Tag :
Rian was not studying english in SPN English course, was he ?
English was being studied by rian in SPN enlish course, were it ?


1.)    Dia akan memakan bakso di kantin siang ini

*      Aktif :
(+) She is going to eat meatball at canteen this afternoon
(-) She isn’t going to eat meatball at canteen this afternoon
(?) Is she going to eat meatball at canteen this afternoon ?

*      Question Word :
Who going to eat meatball at canteen  this afternoon ?
Where she going to eat meatball this afternoon ?
What she going to eat  at canteen this afternoon ?

*      Passive :
(+) Meatball is going to be eaten by her at canteen this afternoon
(-) Meatball isn’t going to be eaten by her at canteen this afternoon
((?) Is meatball going to be eaten by her at canteen this afternoon ?

*      Question Word :
Who going to eaten meatball at canteen this afternoon ?
Where she going to be eaten meatball this afternoon ?

*      Question Tag :
She is going to eat meatball at canteen this afternoon, isn’t she ?
Meatball isn’t going to be eaten by her at canteen this afternoon,is it ?